Houses For Sale in Baillieknowe
Email me Properties like this- Dispensary House, 106 Roxburgh StreetKelso, Scottish Borders, TD5 7DY
Offers Over £750,000
4 Bedroom Detached House
A beautiful Georgian four-bedroom townhouse set in the heart of the popular Borders town of Kelso with outstanding views out over the River Tweed. Dispensary House is known to many as Kelso’s Dispensary Hospital with a very interesting history, it retains an abundance of period features which have been maintained to a high standard.
- Dispensary House, 106 Roxburgh StreetKelso, Scottish Borders, TD5 7DY
Offers Over £750,000
4 Bedroom Detached House
A beautiful Georgian four-bedroom townhouse set in the heart of the popular Borders town of Kelso with outstanding views out over the River Tweed. Dispensary House is known to many as Kelso’s Dispensary Hospital with a very interesting history, it retains an abundance of period features which have been maintained to a high standard.