When you are planning your budget for a new rental home, it is important to factor in the cost of council tax, utility bills and insurance, in addition to your monthly rent. You will also need to think about your responsibilities to your landlord and your neighbours.
To help you stay on top of your obligations during your tenancy, we have put together a simple guide: if you have any questions, or would like to find out more about renting a property through Rettie, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.
A Tenants Guide - Your Budget & Obligations
- As a Tenant
All Rettie tenants have obligations to both their landlord and neighbours. As a tenant, your obligations include:
- prompt payment of rent
- payment of council tax and utility bills (gas and electricity) and additional preferred services, for example broadband, telephone and TV packages
- contents insurance
- looking after your rental home
- being a good neighbour
If you have any questions about your tenancy or would like to find out more about renting a property through Rettie, we will be happy to help.
- Council Tax
All tenants must pay council tax, although some tenants, such as students, may be entitled to exemptions or discounts. Different council tax price bands are applicable depending on the location and size of the property you live in.
You will not have to inform the council when you begin your tenancy: we will write to the local council tax department on your behalf to inform them that you are the new occupant. The council will then contact you directly to set up a payment plan. Usually tenants set up a direct debit with the council but there are alternative payment options.
More information on council tax payments and reductions can be found here - Council Tax Scotland
- Utility Bills
You will be responsible for paying the gas and electricity bills for your property whilst you are living there. We take gas and electricity meter readings for the properties we manage prior to tenants moving in and inform utility providers of the new occupants. The providers will then contact you so that you can set up a direct debit for your services. You are entitled to change your utility supplier during your tenancy, if you wish - we just ask that you let us know which supplier you have chosen.
All rental properties are advertised with an energy rating from A to G, with A being the most efficient. This rating will give you some understanding of how much it may cost to heat and power your home. Energy bills will depend on usage, the size of property and energy rating. More information on average consumption can be found here: Average gas and electricity usage | Ofgem
- Insurance
We ask our landlords to take out buildings and contents insurance for their own possessions. Similarly, our leases require tenants insure their personal belongings and take out insurance for tenant liability and accidental damage to their landlord's possessions.
If you need help arranging your insurance policies, we are happy to introduce you to our trusted policy provider: lLet Alliance. More information can be found here: Tenants Liability Insurance - Protect Your Deposit - Let Alliance
- Rent Payment
We recommend that tenants set up a standing order for rent payments. Your rent payments should be made as one single payment, on or before the due date. It is your responsibility to ensure that your standing order is set up correctly and that rent reaches us in time every month.
- Rubbish & Recycling
You are responsible for disposing of your rubbish appropriately. You will either have your own wheelie bins, communal street bins, or will have specific allocated days on which to put bin bags out on the street to be uplifted. You may also have recycling facilities nearby.
Visit your council's website for more information on recycling and rubbish disposal. - Upkeep
We want you to enjoy your new rental home and treat it as your own. During your tenancy we expect you to maintain your property in a clean and orderly state and return it to us in a condition similar to when you began your tenancy, with the exception of fair wear and tear.
Where applicable, it is the tenant's responsibility to upkeep their property’s garden or any external area which is part of the property, unless there is an agreement in place that the owner will take responsibility.
Prior to vacating the property, you must ensure it is cleaned to our satisfaction. - Neighbours
It is important that you get on with and respect your neighbours during your tenancy.
If you live in a tenement, you must contribute to stair cleaning and do your part to ensure any communal areas are kept tidy. You must take care not to cause excessive noise or do anything that would disturb the people who live around you.
You will also be responsible for the behaviour of your visitors. Your neighbours have the right to report you to local authorities which may result in environmental health officers issuing you with an on-the-spot fine.